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March 2024: Developmental Disabilities Month


March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. As proponents of the end of discrimination in our society, STOP COVAD (Crimes of Violence and Discrimination) feels it’s important to recognize the problems and solutions that surround disability discrimination. Including raising awareness. 

Spearheaded by the collaborative efforts of the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), and National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), this annual campaign highlights the interconnectedness of individuals, regardless of their disability status, and helps foster  resilient and cohesive communities.

Throughout this month-long initiative, an amalgam of voices, both those with and without developmental disabilities, converge to articulate their narratives through poignant stories, captivating imagery, and compelling videos. This concerted endeavor not only amplifies the hurdles faced by individuals grappling with developmental disabilities but also underscores their remarkable triumphs and enriching contributions to the societal tapestry. 

Beyond the realm of storytelling and artistic expression, the campaign extends a repository of resources, comprising meticulously curated toolkits, imagery, and videos. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developmental disabilities are characterized by impairments across various domains, encompassing physical, cognitive, linguistic, and behavioral dimensions. This encompassing spectrum includes, but is not limited to:

  • Autism spectrum disorders

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

  • Learning or intellectual disabilities

  • Hearing loss

  • Vision impairment

  • Other developmental delays

By unraveling the intricacies of lived experiences and advocating for inclusivity, the campaign endeavors to nurture a climate of understanding, acceptance, and support within communities at large. Let’s work together to forge a more compassionate and inclusive society that upholds the dignity and rights of all its members and does not accept any form discrimination.

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